I can Skype Visit with your school too. My 2019-2020 calendar is open now. For details and dates, email me at sandramarkle@yahoo.com
Check out these comments.
Thank you! Yesterday went swimmingly, and the science magic time was a pleasant surprise. I had many students and teachers compliment your pacing and presentation. We are thankful for the opportunity to have met you! Nolan Elementary, Signal Mountain, TN
Thanks so much! the kids give you 5/5 stars! Rowan Elementary, Cranberry Township, PA
Thank you so much! For most of the students, it was their first time talking with an author. One 1st grader said "She's like a real-life superhero!" I agree! Laurel Springs School, Laurel Springs, NJ
Thank you for our second great session. 2nd grade loved it!! Valley Ranch Elementary, Irving, TX
That was AMAZING! Thank you so much!!!! Roosevelt Alexander Elementary, Katy, TX
My students loved it and are so excited about their new books. Claymont Elementary School, Claymont, DE
Thank you so much! We are giving each of the students the book, What if you Had T Rex Teeth? and the students are very excited to read more of your books. Thank you so much for your time and opening up your home to us. River Woods Elementary, Des Moines, IA
Such an amazing @Skypewith @SANDRA_MARKLEtoday at@LiberalBulldogselementary! Never have I seen a group of 150+ kids sit and listen so intently to an author. She kept them engaged the entire time, highly recommended!!!! Liberal R-II, Liberal, MO
Whaaooo! Awwweee! Oooooo! Some of my favorite sounds as these#VREStars1st graders learn about Science Magic from @SANDRA_MARKLE! Great author Skype Coppell Middle School East, Coppell, TX
@SANDRA_MARKLEvisited with 1st Gr. and talked about her new book, conducted science experiments and inspired readers to become authors! Valley Ranch Elementary, Coppell, TX